How to cut down on energy costs in summer 2023

With summer 2023 rapidly approaching, and although you may be looking forward to the nicer weather, there's a good chance that in this current climate, your energy expenses may quickly build up. Want to know how to keep them as low as possible? If so, read this blog post!

With temperatures rising and the sun shining, there are various things you can do to keep your energy expenses from rising along with them. The team here at Boiler Boys London has come up with some money-saving tips for you this summer, and we have listed them below. 

energy saving

Keep the cool air in your home

If you already have an air conditioning system, you may want to consider servicing or repairing it to keep it functioning smoothly and effectively. Insulating your commercial property not only keeps cold air out in the winter but also keeps hot air out in the summer. When using air conditioning, remember to keep windows and doors closed to prevent cold air from escaping. You may also save hundreds on your cooling expenditures by lowering your thermostat by as little as 1°- 3°C for 8 hours a day from its typical setting.

Service your boiler

Summer is the ideal time to ensure that your commercial boiler is in good working order before winter arrives. An annual service from a Gas Safe registered engineer should detect any issues, keeping your family safe and toasty all year.

If it turns out that your boiler needs more than just a service, dealing with it in the summer when it's warm and you're not as reliant on it is much easier than it would be when it's cold. Preventing boiler issues helps you prevent unwanted disruptions to your business operations. A faulty boiler can waste energy and potentially start emitting toxic carbon monoxide.

Make the most of natural light

Although this may appear like a simple solution, many homes throughout the UK still struggle to achieve optimal efficiency when it comes to using natural light. You may utilise natural light in your home office in addition to fluorescent lamps, which consume around 75% less energy than ordinary light bulbs. You may need to adjust the arrangement of your home office based on where the sun will be and when it will be there, which could mean you don't have to use lights in your home on a sunny summer's day! This way, you can leave your blinds open and your lights turned off this way.

Practice Smart Energy Consumption Habits

Simple energy-saving practises can lead to big cost savings. When not in use, turn off all lights and electrical appliances, and think about switching to LED or energy-saving bulbs. Avoid using equipment that produce heat during the warmest parts of the day. When possible, choose natural light, and unplug chargers and devices when not in use to reduce standby power usage.

Importance of Reducing Energy Costs

It is crucial to cut back on energy costs in the summer of 2023. The following are some of the main justifications:

energy saving costs

Financial Savings

Household expenses can be significantly impacted by energy bills, particularly during the hot summer months when air conditioning demand is high. You may dramatically lower your utility bills and save money by putting energy-saving measures in place. These savings can be invested in or used for other crucial areas of your budget. They can also be used for savings.

Environmental Impact

Increased greenhouse gas emissions and environmental deterioration are caused by high energy usage. You can lessen your carbon footprint and support the worldwide fight to slow down climate change by saving money on electricity. It's a chance to improve the environment and encourage environmentally friendly behaviours.

Energy Security

Energy efficiency contributes to a consistent and dependable energy supply. The likelihood of power outages and blackouts during times of high demand is decreased by lowering total energy demand since the power grid is not under as much stress. It also encourages a more secure energy future by reducing reliance on fossil fuels and the demand for new energy infrastructure.

Enhanced Comfort and Health

Increasing home insulation and maximising cooling systems frequently go hand in side with the implementation of energy-saving measures. This results in enhanced indoor air quality, decreased humidity, and better temperature regulation. A comfortable living space created by a well-maintained and energy-efficient home promotes residents' physical and emotional health.

Long-Term Cost Savings

Long-term gains can result from making investments in energy-saving improvements and procedures. Although making an initial investment may be necessary to install renewable energy systems, upgrade to energy-efficient appliances, or improve insulation, the long-term savings on energy expenditures may surpass the original costs. It is a proactive strategy for controlling upcoming energy prices and maintaining financial security.

Community and Global Impact

Individual energy cost-cutting initiatives add up to a larger-scale collective effect of energy conservation. More people adopting energy-efficient behaviours causes a chain reaction that affects more than just individual households. It contributes to more sustainable societies, lessens the demand on energy resources, and a cleaner, healthier environment for present and future generations.

For financial savings, environmental sustainability, energy security, comfort, and long-term cost reduction, it is imperative to cut energy expenditures in the summer of 2023. You may contribute to building a more resilient and sustainable future while gaining the advantages of lower energy costs and a healthier living environment by implementing energy-saving measures.

Get in Touch with Us

 Call us at 07402806032 or send an email to to get started right away. Allow us to assist you with maintenance, replacement, and other energy-saving measures for boilers. Don't wait; start saving money on energy in the summer of 2023 and benefit from a home that is more comfortable and effective. Call us right away!